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Incisive extends ad-blocking initiative

Incisive Media has accelerated its ad performance program with the roll-out of anti-ad blocking technology on its asset management brands Investment Week and Professional Adviser.

The company has been at the forefront of developing anti-ad blocking technologies in the business media sector.

Today, according to the IAB, 9.2 million adults in the UK use ad blocking software on their web browsers. Incisive Media claims to be the only B2B media owner to deploy anti-ad blocking technology on its sites.

It is tackling the issue head-on by reminding users with an ad blocker that its sites are funded by marketing services, which allows the business to deliver high-quality journalism without a subscription, and requesting them to disable their ad blocker.

“We are taking a hearts-and-minds approach to the issue of ad blocking,” said publishing director Kevin Sinclair. “It is important that we keep users on side and continue to deliver high-quality content in an environment that is also attractive to our commercial partners.

“In return, we undertake to provide an acceptable level of advertising on our sites. It’s all about getting the balance right.”

Incisive piloted the use of anti-ad blocking on its technology brands. The approach was an immediate success, delivering a 40% decrease in ad blocker usage, says Incisive.

This success in combating ad blocking is the latest phase in a major programme of digital investment at Incisive.

The company has rebuilt all its sites on a new responsive platform with major focus on user engagement and ad performance, including a 30% increase in ad viewability – a key performance metric.