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News hits 1 million daily unique users in the UK surpassed 1m average daily unique users in the UK – up 6% month on month from 979,298.

It recorded a similar leap in monthly unique users (UK), up 6.5% from September to a new high of 19.6min October, a year-on-year increase of 50% from 13m, says the Independent.

Meanwhile, global average daily unique users rose to 2.4m, up a staggering 87% from 1.3m last year.

Similarly, global unique monthly users have grown 85% year on year to 53.3m, up from 28.7m in October 2013.

On, new global traffic records were set across a number of content channels including News, Arts & Entertainment, Travel, and IndyBest.

Mobile traffic continued to climb, with 29.6m users accessing the site from a mobile or tablet device (55.7% of all users), generating 74.3m page views (40% of the total) – the largest percentage of mobile traffic to date.

Christian Broughton, Digital Editor of The Independent and i100, said: “The consistently delivers strong results and October was no exception. These figures are testament to the quality content generated by our editorial and digital teams and power of our cross-platform approach, coupled with innovations e.g. i100, to entice new readers."