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Industrial and Organizational Psychology to be published by Cambridge

Cambridge University Press has announced that from 2015 it will be publishing Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice on behalf of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP).

First published 2008 and currently in its seventh volume, Industrial and Organizational Psychology has already achieved an impressive status and strong Impact Factor, says Cambridge University Press. The journal publishes on all areas of industrial and organizational psychology and utilizes an innovative focal article-commentary format to create a genuine conversation between all who work in this discipline.

Cambridge says it looks forward to working with the editorial team to increase the visibility of this important journal and maximize the impact of its novel format including FirstView, an online before print publication feature that enables immediate access for readers.

Speaking about the new partnership, Dave Nershi, Executive Director, SIOP comments: “We have selected Cambridge as our new publishing partner and are pleased to be working with a respected leader in the global marketplace. We look forward to working together to enhance genuine conversation between industrial-organizational psychologists enabling our journal to make a true impact on the field.”

Industrial and Organizational Psychology Editor Kevin Murphy adds: “The IOP Editorial team and I recognise the commitment from Cambridge to achieve our shared objectives of publishing a journal that engages both scientists and practitioners in discussions of new concepts and interventions and new ways of thinking about familiar ones”

Ella Colvin, Director of Publishing, Social Sciences, says: "Cambridge University Press is delighted to partner with the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology to further develop this young journal. Industrial and Organizational Psychology is a fantastic addition to our list. This new arrangement comes at a time when Cambridge has significantly expanded its presence in this area of publishing and is well placed to support the journal’s expanding editorial programme.”

Industrial and Organizational Psychology will be hosted on Cambridge’s publishing platform, Cambridge Journals Online, which will provide increased usability, functionality and many new features to enhance and optimise article usage and social media coverage, says Cambridge University Press.