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Just published: Retention Strategies guide

InPublishing has today published the ‘InPublishing Guide to Retention Strategies for Publishers’, written by Julian Thorne.

Just published: Retention Strategies guide
Julian Thorne: “I hope publishers find it a useful practical tool to drive those vital subscriber retention rates higher.”

The ‘InPublishing Guide to Retention Strategies for Publishers’ is a new 55 page, ad-free guide aimed at senior publishing management and marketing and audience professionals at news, consumer and B2B media.

The purpose of the guide is to help publishing companies formulate a successful and sustainable business model based on recurring revenues and to provide detailed insight and best practice advice on each stage of the retention cycle.

The guide contains eleven chapters along with a detailed references section with sources, footnotes and links to allow readers to do further reading if they wish.

The guide’s author is Julian Thorne, owner and founder of The Big Wheel Consultancy and former CEO of Dovetail Services, marketing director at Saga and circulation director at Dennis Publishing. Julian is a firm believer in the ever increasing power of data to inform successful recurring revenue strategies.

Julian Thorne writes: “The secret to growing profitable recurring revenues is not forever optimising subscriber acquisition strategies, although this is important, but continuously delivering value to subscribers so they insist on staying with you once you have acquired them. In the recurring revenue business model, customer retention really is king. Sometimes publishers view retention strategy as little more than a series of renewal emails or letters. This is a very big mistake. In this guide I have drawn on over 25 years of subscription marketing knowledge (lots of mistakes and some successes) to provide publishers with all the core elements that make up a fully rounded retention strategy, covering everything from reporting to product design and onboarding to pricing. My wife tells me I’m mad to ‘give away all that knowledge for £60’ but I’ve enjoyed writing the guide and hope publishers find it a useful practical tool to drive those vital subscriber retention rates higher.”

James Evelegh, editor of InPublishing, writes: “With advertising revenues in long-term decline, publishers are increasingly focusing their attention on developing reader revenues, both in the form of one-off sales and, more importantly, recurring revenues. Developing successful retention strategies is a key component of the recurring revenue model and essential for delivering high lifetime value. This is a superb guide, written by a leading expert in the field. In my opinion, any publishing company that is serious about maximising recurring reader revenues, should have a copy of this guide.”

The ‘InPublishing Guide to Retention Strategies for Publishers’ is on sale now. It is available in ‘single-user’, ‘1-11 user’ and ’11-50 user’ packages and there is currently a 20% early-bird discount.