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Kirk Galloway appointed CEO at Buxton Press

The Board of Directors of Buxton Press, the magazine printers, has announced the appointment of Kirk Galloway as Chief Executive Officer, effective 9 October 2017.

As CEO, Kirk will be responsible for all the company’s operations and activities and with more than 25 years’ hands-on experience and comprehensive knowledge of both Buxton’s operations and the UK printing industry as a whole, there is, says the company, no person better suited to the task.

Chairman of Buxton Press, Bernard Galloway said, “It gives me great pleasure and considerable pride to announce that Kirk is taking over the reins of the Company. This appointment will significantly strengthen the ongoing management of the business and with Kirk at the helm, the Company is in safe and very capable hands.”

Commenting on his appointment, Kirk said, “It is a very great honour for me to be taking Buxton on the next stage of its journey – and I’m delighted to accept this new challenge. I have inherited a strong, forward-looking and innovative organisation with a great team around me. I am immensely proud of what we have achieved to date and will do everything I can to continue to drive the company forward through investment, growth and development to provide security for both Buxton’s employees and our publishing clients.”