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Launch: .22 Shooter magazine

.22 Shooter magazine, a new monthly title from Ebcon Publishing, launches on 29 February priced at £4.

According to distributors COMAG Specialist: “Aimed at the .22 calibre shooter this unique monthly publication will educate, excite and inform every .22 Shooter

Catering for both the novice and expert, whether they shoot indoors or out, at static targets or live quarry, .22 Shooter will have something for everyone.

From buying a suitable weapon and setting up the first target, to clubs and tournaments to join, .22 Shooter will cover all aspects to help airgun enthusiasts enjoy their sport.

Written by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, .22 Shooter will be the ultimate guide to the sport for people of all ages and all levels of expertise, whether an Olympic marksman or novice club shooter

Every issue of .22 Shooter will feature the latest news, gear reviews and information about the sport and the people who participate in it. With guidance on the latest guns and accessories, the best ammo to buy, as well as forthcoming shows and events - whatever your shooting requirements, .22 Shooter will be right on target!”