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Metropolis buys Packaging News

Haymarket Media has completed the sale of two specialist business-to-business titles and a jobs website to the Metropolis publishing group.

The titles are Packaging News, AV (which covers the professional market for audio-visual products), and the website

All editorial and sales staff who work on the titles will be moving to Metropolis’ Croydon office.

Kevin Costello, chief executive of Haymarket Media, said: “The sale of these titles is part of our move to concentrate on our core markets. I’m delighted they are moving to an up-and-coming publisher like Metropolis, where I know they will find a good home and they will continue to flourish.”

Jonathan Mills, chief executive of Metropolis, said: “We are very pleased to have acquired Packaging News, AV and from Haymarket. This is our third acquisition in 2010 and these excellent, long standing businesses will form an important part of our growing Business Media Division.”