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National digital news readership rises by 3.7 million year-on-year

According to the latest PAMCo data, daily digital national news readership has increased by 20% compared to last year.

National digital news readership rises by 3.7 million year-on-year

This brings the number of digital news readers to 22 million, which is an extra 3.7 million people reading national news brands online every day.

The latest PAMCo data shows, says Newsworks, the public’s ongoing demand for trusted news amidst a global coronavirus pandemic, a rise in disinformation and attacks on free speech.

In print* and digital, national news readership is 28 million. This translates to 43 million readers a week and 46 million a month.

Combined with the UK’s key regional titles, these numbers increase to 49 million monthly, 47 million weekly and 38 million daily readers across all platforms.

Jo Allan.

Jo Allan, managing director at Newsworks, said: “The latest PAMCo data shows reader’s increasing appreciation of journalism as a trusted source of information and news. Across the total news sector we reach 49 million people every month and 38 million people a day, and with strong growth across our digital audiences we continue to see demand for high quality journalism.”

*Please note the print data has not been updated from the PAMCo 2 2020 data release. Due to Covid-19, face-face interviewing was suspended on 17th March 2020 and PAMCo has been unable to collect April – Jun’ 20 print readership estimates. The PAMCo Board therefore requested that PAMCo 3 2020 data be released using the same print audience estimates as for PAMCo 2 2020 but fused with the latest Comscore data for June 2020.