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New look for Evening Standard

Under its new editor, Emily Sheffield, the Evening Standard yesterday unveiled a new look, including a new masthead and new daily sections.

New look for Evening Standard

Among the new regular columnists is George Osborne in his new role as Editor in Chief of the Evening Standard. The first of his new weekly columns was titled, ‘Don’t let the blockheads win — on the economy there are reasons to be cheerful’.

The new daily sections are, as described by the Evening Standard:

  • The Escapist: Your new section dedicated to self, wellness and hot destinations. First up — swapping Soho for Somerset
  • The Reveller: Our brilliant restaurant critics in Fork & Talk and everything in between for revelling your way around London
  • The Insider: Style, sass and daily smarts. This week, one fashion influencer on tackling couture week virtually
  • Weekend: Culture, beats, hot shows and big screens. All you need for your London weekend