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New web-to-print solution from Headley Brothers

Commercial digital print operation Headley Brothers has made available a comprehensive web-to-print solution which offers an advanced print service provision to its customers.

HeadWay provides personalised access to the placement of jobs, and the end-to-end system incorporates ordering, proofing, print production, fulfilment and delivery.

With varied user access levels and an easily customisable interface, the solution is suitable for companies and work templates of all sizes. “We decided to challenge the other options on the market and streamline our customers’ print requirements by creating a template-based web-to-print system that is as efficient and malleable as possible,” explains Will Inshaw, Headley Brothers’s digital manager. “Clients can order a vast range of printed products at any time from any location and see the progress of their order throughout the entire print process.”

Both static and variable data templates, however complex, can be created and stored and clients can search for their printable materials using an intuitive search option. A company can upload its printed matter and hold it on the system, using it only when necessary and producing only the amount that they require. “There’s no minimum order quantity and no fee for smaller amounts of print, so it’s a real print-on-demand solution,” continues Inshaw. “Not only can customers save money by eliminating storage costs but the fact that only current materials are printed also engenders environmental responsibility.”

The company’s image customisation solution, HeadSet, is integrated within the package and allows HeadWay users to create customised printed material using their own database. Once a template and database have been uploaded and merged, the product can then be proofed and ordered online. If they prefer, users can defer responsibility for templates and print management to Headley Brothers, who will control the material under the customer’s direction.

A vital aspect of the web-to-print service is user management, and HeadWay allows for the creation of users, guests, groups and departments within the same company. A hierarchy can be applied easily to each; a company may authorise several users to order print, but give only one individual the power to approve each purchase. Cost centres with budgets may also be applied and guest access allows companies to market printed products directly to their consumers.

“By integrating quotation, job creation, customisation, ordering, automated pre-flight reports, proofing, approval, printing and delivery, this comprehensive system simplifies production and order processes for both litho-printed and digitally printed pieces,” concludes Inshaw. “This enables our clients to order printed material online, quickly and easily, at any time and from any location.”

For more information about HeadWay, or other products and services available from Headley Brothers, contact, or digital manager Will Inshaw on 01233 623131 or