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NRS announces change to NRS PADD audience estimates

The National Readership Survey Ltd (NRS) yesterday announced that the next release of NRS PADD will be the first to incorporate comScore’s new mobile and tablet estimates, following changes to the way comScore measure mobile audiences.

comScore introduced its new methodology in January 2015. Estimates of mobile and tablet visitors are now based on panels of mobile and tablet users, whereas previously they were derived primarily from mobile operator traffic data.

NRS PADD is designed to reflect publishers’ digital audiences as reported by comScore. comScore is the approved supplier of online measurement estimates to UKOM in Great Britain. Any changes in the comScore estimates as a result of its change in methodology will therefore be matched in NRS PADD. NRS has been incorporating comScore’s estimates for publishers’ pc audiences since September 2012 and added mobile and tablet audience data in September 2014.

The first NRS PADD data set to reflect the changes to comScore will be released on Monday 1 June, under embargo until 23.59pm Tuesday 2 June, and will show NRS PADD readership data for the period set April 2014 to March 2015, across 26 of the UK’s leading titles.

Simon Redican, chief executive at NRS, said: “We are committed to providing an overview of the total reach of publisher content, including estimates of mobile and tablet audiences. As our data suppliers continue to evolve their methodology, we will ensure these changes feed into our estimates of cross platform readership.”