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Phil Smith named as new Director General of ISBA

ISBA, the trade body for British advertisers, has today announced that Phil Smith will take over the role of Director General from Mike Hughes, who is stepping down after 10 years heading up the advertiser representative body.

As Marketing Director of Kraft, Phil formerly sat on ISBA's Executive Committee, which he later chaired while Commercial & Operations Director of Camelot. In grocery retail, he has held marketing and general management positions on the boards of Kwiksave, Somerfield and Musgrave. He has played hands-on roles in a number of early stage marketing technology businesses.

ISBA President, Simon Litherland, CEO of Britvic plc, said: "There was strong competition for this role and we are delighted with this appointment. Phil brings depth and breadth of industry experience together with a progressive outlook - and he knows ISBA well.

Phil will take up his role on 9 January 2017, with Mike aiding his transition over the balance of the month. I would like to reiterate ISBA Council’s thanks to Mike for leading ISBA to record membership levels and significant expansion of member benefits over his tenure. We wish him well."

Phil Smith said: "With the marketing communications ecosystems changing at an increasing pace, advertisers need a strong & effective ISBA more than ever to continue to champion their cause, and be the trusted source of expert, objective advice and guidance – from the advertiser’s viewpoint.

I'm hugely excited by this opportunity to build on Mike’s excellent stewardship and to be a catalyst in shaping ISBA's agenda, so that it maintains a clear and robust voice and delivers value to its members in this fast-moving environment."

Mike Hughes said: "I'm proud of what the ISBA team has achieved over the past ten years and I’m delighted to be passing the torch to Phil. He of course knows ISBA and its members well and I know that he will provide strong leadership in driving ISBA through the next chapter of its evolution."