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PPA reacts to Labour manifesto

The PPA has released its reaction to the Labour manifesto.

PPA reacts to Labour manifesto
Sajeeda Merali: “We’re glad Labour has recognised in their manifesto that there aren’t the right regulatory mechanisms in place to tackle AI as our members are particularly concerned about AI’s copyright infringement of publishers’ IP.”

The PPA has reacted to the Labour manifesto, which says:

Regulators are currently ill-equipped to deal with the dramatic development of new technologies, which often cut across traditional industries and sectors. Labour will create a new Regulatory Innovation Office, bringing together existing functions across government. This office will help regulators update regulation, speed up approval timelines, and co-ordinate issues that span existing boundaries. Labour will ensure the safe development and use of AI models by introducing binding regulation on the handful of companies developing the most powerful AI models and by banning the creation of sexually explicit deepfakes.

Sajeeda Merali, CEO PPA comments: “We’re glad Labour has recognised in their manifesto that there aren’t the right regulatory mechanisms in place to tackle AI as our members are particularly concerned about AI’s copyright infringement of publishers’ IP. While Labour’s focus on AI regulation centres on safety, the push for a coordinated approach provides opportunities for the PPA and other publishing stakeholders to engage with Labour’s new regulation office to address intellectual property and competition concerns. We agree that AI regulations must be implemented swiftly and will collaborate with Labour, if they win the election, to ensure a sustainable digital economy where publishers benefit from audience engagement without having their content illegally appropriated by LLMs.”

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