The deal saw the transfer of The Negotiator magazine, the website and The Negotiator Awards, to Propertydrum Ltd on 22nd December 2011.
The Negotiator, which has been a highly regarded trade title for 25 years, will now be sister magazine to PROPERTYdrum. Both magazines are distributed to estate and letting agent offices across the country.
“This is great news for the industry,” says Propertydrum Ltd Jt Managing Director Grant Leonard. “PROPERTYdrum and The Negotiator were rivals and the only two property trade titles catering to both the estate and letting agent market. We can now rationalise their distribution and between the two reach more offices, giving us a near-total market coverage.
“Both titles are very popular with agents, most of whom still prefer to receive printed publications and each has its own focus and editorial style. We intend to develop both magazines to meet the interests of all agencies, large or small, corporate or independent.”
The next issue of The Negotiator will publish in mid-February and will continue on a monthly basis. Clare Bettelley, Editor of The Negotiator for the last four years, will continue in her role. “We are really looking forward to working with Clare, who we consider to be one of the most talented journalists in property,” said Sheila Manchester, Editorial Director of PROPERTYdrum.
The very successful and popular Negotiator Awards which took place in November will continue to be the glamorous highlight of the year in agency, says PROPERTYdrum. The event is greatly enjoyed and valued – over 600 agents attended the 2011 event at the Hilton Park Lane, London. Sheila Manchester comments, “With a greater market reach, we can make the Awards even more successful, involving more agents and raising the bar. The Negotiator Awards will certainly continue to be the most prestigious awards in our industry.”
Propertydrum Ltd already runs conferences such as the National Conference & Expo for estate and letting agents, and intends to develop The Negotiator’s Survive & Thrive conference brand and its Round Table events.
The Negotiator website will continue to serve the industry as a newsfeed and online hub for information, news and views. The Negotiator e-newsletter will also carry on its vital role, keeping the industry alert to new developments.