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Readly launches audio for articles

Magazine and newspaper app Readly is launching audio functionality in the app to enhance the accessibility and convenience of consuming articles on the platform.

Readly launches audio for articles
Ranj Begley: “ Our goal is to boost user engagement and adding audio enables an easier and more flexible reading experience.”

The first phase is released for British subscribers who are able to turn on an audio player for selected articles to listen through an AI-powered voice, says Readly.

Ranj Begley, chief content officer at Readly said: “We strive to provide our readers with an increasing convenience level, enabling them to effortlessly access and enjoy captivating stories, intriguing articles, and thought-provoking editorials. Our goal is to boost user engagement and adding audio enables an easier and more flexible reading experience.”

The company says features of Readly’s audio functionality include:

  • The audio feature is integrated into a selection of articles, providing users with a play button option at the bottom of the mobile screen.
  • Users can easily control playback, listening to either female or male voices.
  • The subscriber can continue to browse other content on Readly while listening.
  • Audio is initially only available on the mobile app, both for iOS and Android users.
  • Readly will provide publishers with aggregated user data such as, total listening time, most listened-to articles, user demographics etc.

You can find out more about Readly UK in our Publishing Services Directory.

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