Originally released on Sega’s Mega Drive in 1991, Sonic The Hedgehog has gone on to become the company’s most important franchise and Sega’s own personal mascot. Sonic has had great success on every Sega console and is now enjoying a new lease of life on current gaming platforms. With the recent announcement of Sonic Generations for Xbox 360, PS3 and 3DS there’s never been a better time to look back at everyone’s favourite hedgehog in Retro Gamer magazine.
Retro Gamer has joined forces with Sega to create a cover that truly captures the fun and excitement of Sonic’s original adventure. Adorned with a magnificent blue foil finish, the gatefold cover folds out into an authentic replication of Sonic The Hedgehog’s first level, a treatment that fans are sure to love, says Imagine. The issue itself features esteemed developers such as Cliff Bleszinski, Eugene Jarvis and Jeff Minter talking about Sega’s popular mascot. There’s also a world- exclusive interview with Takashi Iizuka to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of Sonic Adventure.
“Retro Gamer loves to come up with inventive and interesting covers, so this was a fantastic opportunity to pay tribute to one of gaming’s most beloved icons. Designer Kate Logsdon has done a fantastic job bringing the idea to life,” commented Editor Darran Jones. “Our strong ties with Sega have enabled us to create a memorable cover that truly celebrates Sega’s 20-year franchise.”