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Star Trek Magazine now available on Zinio

The new issue of Star Trek Magazine is available to read in full on PC, Mac or iPad at, a leading digital newsstand.

The digital edition represents a first in the history of the official licensed guide to the “greatest space saga of them all”, which until now has only been available in print format from newsstands and comic book stores.

Zinio offers an exciting alternative to the print edition and a high quality digital reading experience, says the publishers.

The latest issue of Star Trek Magazine shines the spotlight on the saga’s 11 cinematic odysseys, presenting a one-stop guide to the voyages of the U.S.S. Enterprise on the big screen. The magazine also features an interview with British actor David Warner, who appeared in three of the movies, the first of a two-part feature about the stories told between the movies in comic book form, an analysis of the development of the Romulans on screen and in other media, and much more.

You can preview the digital version of the current issue at the Zinio website.

A subscription to the digital version of Star Trek Magazine typically saves readers 35% off the newsstand price. In the United States, the subscription price is $39.99 (compared to a cover price of $61.92), and in the United Kingdom it is £26.14 (compared to £40.48).

Readers can keep up to date with new releases on Zinio and all other news and announcements from Star Trek Magazine at their official Facebook page.