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The Countryside Alliance expands partnership with ESco

The Countryside Alliance has expanded its partnership with ESco to outsource membership management.

The Countryside Alliance expands partnership with ESco
Lawrence Tribe-Endt: “We are delighted with our partnership with ESco, which has allowed us to streamline our membership management and focus on our core mission of advocating for rural life.”

The Countryside Alliance, an advocate for the rural way of life, has long been a powerful voice in parliament, the media, and local communities.

For nearly twenty years, ESco says it has managed the Alliance's renewals, welcome packs, member cards, ad-hoc campaigns, and appeal mailings. Building on this foundation, the Countryside Alliance has decided to further consolidate their operations under ESco's management.

Back in early 2021, the migration of BACS payment processing to ESco marked a significant milestone, added the company. ESco says its dedicated in-house finance and admin team integrated these tasks into their existing processes, eliminating the need for the Countryside Alliance to maintain in-house software for BACS payments.

They have now broadened this partnership by onboarding more of their member services to ESco. ESco has announced that it has gone live with the management of the Countryside Alliance’s memberships, providing customer service and support, including payment processing. ESco says its customer care team is adept at handling all membership levels offered by this client — single, joint, family, and group.

Our eCommerce platform works to streamline the initial sale process by facilitating the purchase of memberships and allowing for donations, as well as the sale of merchandise such as ties, tea towels, coasters, and Christmas cards, added ESco.

ESco says by entrusting their renewals, monthly processing, and membership management to their team, the Countryside Alliance has freed up valuable time to focus on other exciting initiatives within their organisation.

Lawrence Tribe-Endt, head of membership marketing at Countryside Alliance said: “We are delighted with our partnership with ESco, which has allowed us to streamline our membership management and focus on our core mission of advocating for rural life. ESco's expertise in handling renewals, payment processing, and customer service has been invaluable. By simplifying our overcomplicated legacy processes, this partnership represents a significant shift within our organisation, enabling us to explore new opportunities with a clearer focus. Our data sets have been opened up and enhanced, thanks to the fantastic team at ESco behind it. Their support has not only streamlined our operations but also significantly improved the experience for our members. We look forward to continuing this fruitful collaboration as we work together to support and promote the interests of rural communities.”

You can find out more about ESco in our Publishing Services Directory.

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