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Top honours again for Buxton

Buxton Press, has again taken top honours by scooping the jewel in the UK print industry crown, PrintWeek’s Printing Company of the Year Award.

They have also made history, by being the only company to win the highly coveted award twice!

At a spectacular gala dinner ceremony at Grosvenor House, London, Bernard Galloway, Chairman & CEO; George Briddon, Executive Director; Kirk Galloway, Managing Director and Richard Tidswell, Sales and Customer Services Director were presented with the prized trophy for the highest accolade in print in front of 1000 diners attending the black tie event.

Understandably elated, Bernard Galloway paid tribute to his colleagues saying, “I am immensely proud that Buxton has been recognised in this way: it’s a great testament to everyone who has worked so hard to get us to where we are and very gratifying that Buxton has been recognised by its peers.”