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Tungsten Publishing completes their move to ESco

ESco went live with their newest client, Tungsten Publishing, on Wednesday 10th May 2023.

Tungsten Publishing completes their move to ESco
Federica Rainaldi: “We are very proud to have successfully completed the onboarding of our most recent client, Tungsten Publishing.”

Tungsten Publishing is an independent B2B publishing house specialising in print media, research, multimedia, digital products and events across a range of financial services topics. With their customer service having previously been managed in-house, this new partnership means that ESco’s team have been entrusted with providing customer service to Tungsten’s customers.

ESco says it is now managing subscriptions services for two of Tungsten Publishing’s brands:

The TRADE, which delivers independent coverage and analysis of the world of global securities trading. This publication was previously distributed as a non-controlled circulation title, which we will begin selling as a paid subscription moving forwards.

Global Custodian, which was founded in 1989, is defined by high-quality editorial and a series of annual surveys that have become benchmarks for the industry. Since the conversion, ESco have also started selling Global Custodian digital single issues (as downloadable pdfs), as well as digital research reports.

Tungsten’s premium content, including a digital archive, is behind a paywall and there is a two-way API to ESco’s subscription platform, providing real-time access and entitlement, added the company. This means that customers have immediate access as soon as they subscribe. Should subscribers have any difficulties or queries, the ESco Customer Services team will be on hand to assist.

ESco have also taken on the management of Global Custodian’s Enterprise Subscriptions, which are now looked after by a Corporate Team of trained specialists who work within the Customer Service Department and are dedicated to handling these orders.

Federica Rainaldi, project manager at ESco said: “We are very proud to have successfully completed the onboarding of our most recent client, Tungsten Publishing. We now look forward to the next step in our partnership, supporting Tungsten Publishing in growing their paid titles and reaching the full potential of their subscription services both online and offline.”

You can find out more about ESco in our Publishing Services Directory.

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