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Vanity Fair to be Launched in Mexico

Vanity Fair will be launched in Mexico in April 2015, it was announced yesterday by Jonathan Newhouse, Chairman & Chief Executive of Condé Nast International.

“Vanity Fair represents journalism at its best. Following the successful launch of Vanity Fair in France last year, Condé Nast International is proud to bring this superb magazine to the Mexican market,” commented Newhouse.

“We have always been characterised for betting on the quality of our publications, for innovating on our platforms, and carefully selecting the teams we work with. Vanity Fair is the fifth publication with which we seek to expand our content offerings in the market”, said Eva Hughes, CEO & General Director of Condé Nast Mexico and Latin America.

Vanity Fair Mexico will launch as the result of an editorial merger with the Spanish edition to provide content and local advertising across all platforms: print, web, mobile and social media. The launch of Vanity Fair in Mexico will be led by Lourdes Garzón, Editor-in-Chief of Vanity Fair Spain, who will oversee a local editorial team.

“Vanity Fair will be available in Mexico thanks to Condé Nast’s expansion policy and its strategy to strengthen its leadership in this region. We are sure it will be successful,”remarked Javier Pascual del Olmo, President of Condé Nast Spain and President of Condé Nast Mexico and Latin America.

Lourdes Garzón added “There are many issues of shared interest between Mexico and Spain. We will have high level contributors, and following great success in Spain we are sure we will be able to succeed in Mexico with focused and exclusive content”.

Vanity Fair Mexico will be the 6th edition of the magazine, following the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and France. Vanity Fair has a gross international readership of 8.4 million, with over 11 million unique users online, says Condé Nast.