The 16th edition of the report forecasts magazine adspend in 2012 to be significantly lower than pre-recession levels in North America, Asia Pacific, Western Europe and Eastern and Central Europe.
World Magazine Trends is compiled from contributions from FIPP members (national magazine associations and publishers) across the world and incorporates ZenithOptimedia adspend forecasts and analyses. It provides both detailed local information on the magazine markets in a wide range of countries and also an overview of major trends and developments through regional and international data and summaries.
Now featuring 48 country markets in depth, the new edition of World Magazine Trends is available in print and digital edition format. New tables include a monitor of cross-border launches, internet and mobile phone penetration and number of websites. New countries featured include: Bulgaria; Egypt; Estonia; India; Indonesia; Israel; Malaysia; New Zealand; Peru; Portugal and Turkey.
According to Rachel Nacer, editor of FIPP World Magazine Trends 2010-2011, besides the financial crisis, the magazine industry has been affected by major structural changes to the media market as advertisers and consumers are increasingly attracted by online and digital products. However, these new technologies are increasingly seen by publishers not as a threat but as an opportunity to expand their own activities to reach readers in different ways and provide new services to advertisers.
The information in the report on cross-border magazine launches provides an interesting insight into publishing relationships between the regions. With a total of 106 cross-border launches monitored worldwide in the 12 months from October 2009 to September 2010, it shows that Asia Pacific has been the region attracting the greatest number of international launches, followed by Western Europe and Central and Eastern Europe.
Also interestingly, the most recent month in the period included, September 2010, was a particularly strong year for international launches. However it is too early to say whether this is a sign of recovery for the magazine market.
According to ZenithOptimedia’s analysis of its forecasts, the recovery in ad expenditure is being driven by developing markets, which it expects to account for 31 per cent of global ad expenditure this year, but to contribute 67% of growth. (ZenithOptimedia defines developing markets as everywhere outside North America, Western Europe and Japan.)
Magazine expenditure has already started to recover in Latin America and Asia Pacific (excluding Japan). In Central and Eastern Europe it should stabilise in 2011 and start to grow in 2012. In Western Europe it should stabilise in 2012, but in North America and Japan we expect it to continue to decline throughout our forecast period to 2012.
To order you copy of FIPP World Magazine Trends 2010-2011, visit or contact Natalie Butcher.
About FIPP
FIPP says: “FIPP works for the benefit of consumer, customer and business media providers around the world, focusing its activities on freedom of the press, intellectual property, information provision, freedom to advertise, freedom of distribution and environmental protection. Today, FIPP has more than 800 members, including subsidiaries, across 65 countries consisting of 54 national associations, 483 publishing companies and 171 associate companies. FIPP represents more than 6,000 member magazine titles, which include almost all of the world’s leading magazine brands.”