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ABC: 33% YoY digital uplift for national newsbrands in May

The official ABC figures for May 2017 show that the UK national newspaper market enjoyed a 33% year on year uplift across digital platforms, adding up to 157 million unique browsers daily, according to analysis by Newsworks.

In the month that political campaigning rumbled on Macron won the election across the Channel and the NHS was targeted by a global cyber-attack, UK newsbrands saw an extra 10 million unique browsers on average accessing digital content every day, compared with May 2016, says Newsworks.

Growth was not just limited to digital, with total print circulations up month on month for quality weekday and Sunday titles.

Overall print circulation remained stable, down just 0.6%.

Notes provided by Newsworks: is not included in this month’s ABC Web Traffic Certification as it transitions to a new data analytics provider that does not currently supply ABC with sufficient data for an audit. ABC is working with and the new data provider to resume certification in the coming months.

ABC data - print = average daily circulation; digital = average daily unique browsers.

The total UK print number includes the following titles: Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday, Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, Sunday People, i, London Evening Standard, Metro, The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph, the Guardian, The Observer, The Sun, The Sun on Sunday, The Times, The Sunday Times, Financial Times, Daily Star, Daily Star Sunday, Daily Express and Sunday Express.

The total UK digital numbers refer to Newsworks stakeholder titles only.