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The Sun's footage viewed 15M times

Never Mind The Ballots: Election Showdown footage viewed 15 million times across Sun platforms and third party social media.

The Sun's footage viewed 15M times
Victoria Newton: “Amazing work from The Sun team on our Election Showdown debate, brilliantly hosted by Harry Cole and Kate Ferguson.”

The Sun says Never Mind The Ballots: Election Showdown saw its Political Editor, Harry Cole, interview the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition in front of a live audience of Sun readers, aired on June 24th.

The back-to-back interviews were live from The Sun’s London HQ and broadcast on, YouTube and other Sun social channels and gave Sun readers the chance to put their questions to the two men battling for the keys to No10 in a special live show just 10 days before the nation goes to the polls.

Footage from the debate has been viewed 15 million times across Sun platforms and third party social media, and has driven extensive coverage across print and broadcast, added the publisher.

The Sun's Editor-in-Chief, Victoria Newton says: “Amazing work from The Sun team on our Election Showdown debate, brilliantly hosted by Harry Cole and Kate Ferguson.

“Our ambition for this debate was to drive maximum coverage so it’s great to see so many people engaging and such impressive numbers.

“We are the only print publisher to host a debate with the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition ahead of the election giving Sun readers the chance to directly ask the questions that matter to them.”

The Sun says Never Mind The Ballots continues to air everyday on and all Sun channels.

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