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ABC: National Newspapers Retain Over Two-Thirds of Brexit Boost in July

The latest ABC data shows that national newspapers retained 70 per cent of the circulation increase they enjoyed in June following the EU referendum, according to analysis by Newsworks.

As reported by the News Media Association: The official ABC figures show that the UK national newspaper market sold an average of around 8.4 million copies a day in July. Digitally, the UK newspaper market saw a 19 per cent year-on-year increase in daily unique browsers.

Publishers issued press releases following the release of the ABC figures this afternoon.

Johnston Press said i had delivered a fourth consecutive month of growth under its ownership while dmg media pointed to circulation rises for the Daily Mail and Metro.

In July, Daily Mail’s circulation was 1.55 million up 0.2 per cent, or 3,000 copies, on June. Metro’s circulation for July was 1.34 million, which is up 0.22 per cent year-on-year.

In 2016, Metro’s national circulation has continued to grow with a year-on-year increase of 0.12 per cent Jan-July 2015 on 2016. In London, Metro’s circulation was 763,000 up 0.19 per cent year-on-year.

The London edition of Metro has recorded year-on-year growth 11 months in a row, dmg media added.

Kevin Beatty, dmg media chief executive, said: “We’re greatly encouraged by our ABC results in July as our newspapers continue to demonstrate their loyal readership and trusted positions.”

Johnston Press said circulation for i had increased from 294,223 to 297,453 for July, representing a 7.7 per cent year-on-year increase for the same period in 2015, and delivering a 1.1 per cent month-on-month growth from June’s figures.

Daily circulation during the period following the EU referendum consistently exceeded 300,000, with peaks of 310,173 on 14 July and 312,482 on 15 July; the week Theresa May became Prime Minister.

Oliver Duff, editor at i, said: “i continues to grow its audience and prove very popular both within London and across the UK, highlighting the role a quality daily newspaper can have when its positioning is right for the market.

"We’re very proud to have delivered our fourth consecutive month under Johnston Press expanding our audiences, both online and in print – all of which are the results of a tremendous effort from a brilliant cross-functional team.”

Richard Thomson, marketing operations and content sales director at Johnston Press, said: “i has continued to demonstrate just how well it knows its audience and the on-going power and role of print as the newspaper industry continues to evolve, and these figures and its growth are testament to that.”