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Bauer launches new research: Grazia 10 – The Game Changers

Bauer Media has launched Grazia 10 – The Game Changers: The women who went from wanting it all to changing it all, the second research piece from its audience insight series Bauer Knowledge.

The in-depth study reveals, says Bauer Media, that women are redefining their own paths to success for every aspect of their lives, including careers and relationships, and are often choosing happiness over material gain.

The insight sheds light on the lives of ABC1 women aged 25-44, looking at their behaviours and attitudes and how their relationships with media and brands are evolving. The launch coincides with the 10th anniversary of Grazia, with participants taking part in monitored sessions with friends at home, questionnaires and online diaries and discussions. One-to-one interviews with highly influential women including Lindsay Pattison, CEO of Maxus, Claudine Collins, MD of MediaCom UK, and Justine Roberts, Founder of Mumsnet, also informed the study.

The research reveals that women are re-defining what success means to them and that achieving success is principally about gaining a happy balance across home, work and relationships – they are now more likely to follow their passion rather than pragmatism.

Headline findings include:

* 71% either plan to work in more than one industry throughout their career or have already done so

* 27% would like to start their own business in the future

* 60% said that being caring and thoughtful were the most important attributes of women they admire compared to 16% citing professional success

* 88% of women said they feel confident and optimistic about the future

* Pecking orders at home are also shifting, often with husbands and partners coming third to kids and careers

* Brands must avoid pigeonholing women, either with tired gender stereotypes or as a wide, mum or career women – they must reflect women’s desire and ability to move between roles. In a crowded space, brands that reflect the kind of women they aspire to be will stand out

* ABC1 women aged 25 – 44 year are very engaged in the world, wanting to help shape it. The digital revolution has made it easier for women to have their voice heard, with 65% reading the news online every day

* The top three issues concerning the group are the gender pay gap (83%), gender inequality at work (81%) and the lack of flexible working opportunities (65%)

With their attitudes to life changing, women now have more disposable income and control over their finances. The modern work place is increasingly setting the style agenda for smart, modern women who are indulging their passions for fashion soft spots as an antidote to their busy lives. This is reflected in the online behaviour of ABC1 women aged 25-44:

* 52% browse clothes online every day or every few days

* 25% check Instagram for outfit inspiration every day or every few days

* 47% read fashion articles online every day or every few days

Clare Chamberlain, Head of Creative and Brand Solutions, Bauer Media said: “Our ambition with this research was to really get under the skin of this highly valuable audience and to provide our commercial partners with unparalleled insight into their lives and views. Brands can engage with ABC1 women aged 25-44 by providing fresh inspiration, playing a meaningful role in their lives and adapting to their busy schedules – these are some of the busiest people on the planet, so don’t expect attention, earn it!”

Anne-Marie Lavan, Group Marketing Director, Bauer Media, said: “‘The Game Changers: The women who went from wanting it all to changing it all’ uncovers ABC1 women aged 25-44 as a demographic who feel in control of their own destiny and equipped to cope with challenges they will face in carving out success for themselves. As we celebrate the 10th year anniversary of Grazia, it’s fascinating to see how brands can play an integral part in this influential group’s world, as women continue to demand more from these relationships.”

Grazia 10 – ‘The Game Changers: The women who went from wanting it all to changing it all’ is the second report in the Bauer Knowledge series of in depth studies into key audiences. Bauer Knowledge: The Millennials Chapter was released last month.