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BBC Good Food appoints Brand Editorial Director

BBC Good Food has appointed Christine Hayes as its first ever Brand Editorial Director.

Hayes, currently Editor of olive, will have responsibility for the editorial direction for the food media brand including its magazine (circulation of 249,248); website (18m monthly global unique users); live shows (250,000 annual attendees) and books (4m copies sold to date).

Hayes will be working closely with BBC Good Food Magazine Editor Gillian Carter and Digital Editor Hannah Williams and will report in to Chris Kerwin, Head of UK Publishing at BBC Worldwide.

Hayes joined BBC Worldwide eleven years ago to launch upmarket food lifestyle magazine olive. Hayes has been more recently involved in launching digital platforms for the brand including a website, app and social media channels.

Christine Hayes said: “I'm thrilled to be joining the UK’s number one food media brand at this exciting time in Good Food’s development. I'm looking forward to working with BBC Good Food's experienced editorial team to take it to even greater success.”

Chris Kerwin added: “We are delighted someone of Christine’s calibre joining us at this important time in the brand’s development. We want to be the leading brand in all aspects of the food and drink sector and, given her relationships with talent and her experience across health, travel and reviews as well as recipes and cooking, Christine will be critical in helping us achieve our goal.”

Hayes will take up her new role at the end of July. BBC Good Food celebrated its 25th anniversary earlier this year and is now the magazine media brand with the largest readership across all platforms, now at 8.8 million according to the latest NRS PADD research, says Immediate Media.