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Belfast Live celebrates one million unique users

Belfast Live recorded more than one million unique users for the first time in July, less than five months after it launched.

The milestone figure was reached with a number of days of July remaining, smashing the target of just under 300,000.

The success was built on the coverage of a number of big stories, including the Tall Ships visiting Belfast and the consistently ahead-of-the-pack coverage of the death of a young man from Northern Ireland on holiday in Ibiza, says Trinity Mirror.

When it launched in February, the aim of Belfast Live was to become an essential part of the daily lives of the people of Belfast – and beyond, delivering a unique 24/7 combination of live, breaking local news, alongside national and local sport, entertainment, traffic & travel and What’s On.

The site has filled a niche in the market and has been widely supported by the people of Belfast.

Editor Chris Sherrard said: “To hit one million unique visitors for the month of July is an incredible achievement. The figures are testament to the hard work every member of the Belfast Live team puts in on a daily basis.

“We are delighted with what the site has accomplished and look forward to growing these figures even further in the future."

Joanne Friel, Head of Marketing, added: “Our marketing ambition for Belfast Live was to create Belfast’s very own social media site, making it an essential ‘go-to’ platform for everything that’s happening in and around Belfast.

“Our digital marketing campaign continues to push out our great content to drive traffic, whilst offline we continue to promote the Belfast Live brand at key events and venues in the city. It’s fantastic to see our superb content being consumed and shared so widely.”