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Catholic Herald chooses ESco for subs

ESco, a publishing services bureau, has announced that the Catholic Herald joined as a new client in December.

Catholic Herald chooses ESco for subs

Catholic Herald is using ESco’s full subscriptions bureau service, that includes customer service, account management, analytical reporting, eCommerce and renewals.

Established as a newspaper in 1888 and relaunching as a magazine in 2014, the Catholic Herald is a weekly publication for the Roman Catholic community.

Commenting on the move to ESco, Andy Leisinger the Managing Director at the Catholic Herald said: “We had got ourselves into a corner at the Catholic Herald. Our subscription business had grown beyond the in-house department’s capacity to cope. We began looking for an outsourced solution. When we first met the ESco management team, we found ourselves very impressed by their attention to detail and methodology. After one meeting, we were won over. ESco has guided our migration, which was complex, with complete professionalism. We now possess a first class sales platform. Our prospects look very good and I as the Herald’s MD feel a lot more secure. We look forward to what will almost certainly be a long term business relationship.”