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CDS Global relocates Southall office

CDS Global has announced the decision to relocate its Southall operation to its European head office in Market Harborough, Leicestershire, by 30 June 2010.

The Southall office was acquired as part of CDS Global’s acquisition of the Optima business earlier this year.

“The decision to relocate allows CDS Global to centralise all of the operational activities, providing our clients and, more importantly, their customers with a consistent level of service throughout the business,” said Sarah Parkes (pictured), group managing director for CDS Global in Europe and Australia. “Integrating our services and people makes perfect sense as we can streamline our business and continue to develop and operate first-class solutions.”

Additionally the Client Services function has been reorganised to better support client needs. Following the reorganisation, Steve Russell, account director, has decided to leave the company to pursue other interests. We would like to thank Steve for his contribution and wish him all the best for the future.

The Lewes office, also acquired with the Optima purchase, will continue to operate and provide Client Services and IT support from its current location.