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CN Group showcases multi-platform reach with ABC

Independent local Media Business CN Group on Friday released 8 ABC Multi-platform reports for its key news brands.

CN titles, including The Cumberland News, Hexham Courant, West Cumberland Times & Star, North West Evening Mail, The Whitehaven News and Carlisle - News and Star, now report ABC figures for print, newsletter, web and social media activity, reflecting the fact that local audiences are now using many different platforms to access their content.

CN Group have chosen ABC’s multiplatform reports in order to demonstrate a broader view of their brand reach and performance, says the company.

As an example, continues CN Group, the newly released ABC figures for the News & Star, which continues to outperform the industry average, confirm that alongside its East & West Cumbria print editions with ABC Circulations of 7,684 / 2,908, it attracts a further 26,652 Unique Browsers each day, 22,648 Facebook Likes and 23,002 Twitter followers as well as a Newsletter distribution of 707 all verified by ABC.

The group’s south Cumbria title, the North West Evening Mail has a print ABC Circulation of 8,879, attracts 13,135 Unique Browsers each day, 15,601 Facebook Likes and 9,605 Twitter followers as well as a Newsletter distribution of 1,724 all verified by ABC.

Miller Hogg, Chief Executive, said: “We are delighted that the number of people viewing our content continues to grow year-on-year providing an increasing audience for our advertisers. Working with ABC and their multi-platform report ensures we can guarantee these numbers across the online, digital and social worlds with absolute clarity to our local and national clients.”

Vicky Hayward, head of print, radio and outdoor, Starcom Mediavest Group, added: “It’s great news that CN Group is moving to multi-platform reporting. As a buyer it is imperative that we have timely, accurate, industry-agreed data at our fingertips so we can provide maximum transparency and assurance of brand reach to our clients.”

Simon Redlich, Chief Executive, ABC concluded: “We’re delighted to see CN Group providing ABC multi-platform reporting on these key newspaper brands. This will be welcomed by agencies and advertisers who use trusted ABC data to inform their ad buying decisions.”