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David Cameron urges advertising & marketing sectors to vote ‘remain’

This week’s issue of Campaign magazine, out Thursday 9th June, features an opinion piece by Prime Minister David Cameron.

According to Campaign, the key highlights of David Cameron’s piece are:

"This country’s remarkable creative and cultural heritage, our appetite for entrepreneurship and innovation, and our willingness to embrace new ideas and digital technology are all reasons why the advertising and marketing industries are thriving. Meerkats, “Man on the moon” and “Epic strut” are just some of the ingenious ideas dreamed up by British advertising agencies in recent years that have helped to drive business success for their clients and build brands.

"These talents are valued not only in our home market but also abroad, because a growing number of international businesses are using our ad agencies and media companies outside Britain. About 35% of the revenues of the top 20 UK ad agencies are generated by overseas business. And most of their exports go to Europe.

"Through the EU, access to the single market brings jobs, greater investment and lower prices. It is why Britain has increasingly become a springboard for global businesses looking to expand in Europe and beyond.

"Many of the world’s biggest advertising groups, including Dentsu, Havas, Omnicom, Publicis Groupe and WPP, have invested in staff and new offices in the UK in recent years because they see their clients expanding here too. And we don’t just have unlimited access to the single market – we have a huge say over its rules. This is vital for business. It’s not just the advertising and marketing industries that are better off inside the EU; it’s the British people, too, who benefit from the jobs and growth these sectors help to create.

"With just 14 days until the referendum, I urge the advertising and marketing sectors to make their voice heard. EU membership is good for British brands and for Brand Britain. So make sure you vote to remain on 23 June."