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Direct Marketing News rebranding

Rebranded Direct Marketing News has changed its tabloid fortnightly print format with web destination to a standard size monthly plus a debut iPad edition concurrent with the launch.

DMNews have made these changes to bring readers a whole new experience in showcasing and understanding the depth and strategies of the marketing world, says Haymarket.

DMNews editor Carol Krol said: “Our monthly content will give us a deeper dive into the most important trends and issues within the industry.”

It is the only multichannel brand, continues the publisher, wholly dedicated to understanding and covering the direct marketing landscape. From the monthly print magazine where deeper industry analysis and expert commentary are on display in 60+ page issue to the up-to-the-minute website, newsletter and iPad edition. The reengineered website and new iPad edition also contains exclusive material.

DMNews aims to deliver smart engaging content to wherever their readers want it.

New content highlights include:

Direct report: 6 page analysis on timely, topical and important news across the direct and digital marketing industry.

Spotlight: In depth departure that examine a direct marketing industry leader and visionary.

The Work: 5 page visual section, highlighting top direct marketing campaigns.

Vertical: 2 page feature that addresses the latest trends within specific vertical markets and audience demographics each month.

Plug-ins: A focus on a single main topic each month- features how-tos in high level direct marketing activity and strategy, written by top marketers.