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Elsevier and ASPET announce partnership

Elsevier has announced it has partnered with The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics to publish the Society’s journals.

Elsevier and ASPET announce partnership
Louise Curtis: “We at Elsevier are delighted and honored that ASPET has chosen us as their publishing partner after over a hundred years of publishing leading work in pharmacological research.”

Elsevier, a global scientific information and data analytics company, and The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), are partnering to publish the Society’s four journals. ASPET’s journals, The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Drug Metabolism and Disposition, Molecular Pharmacology and Pharmacological Reviews, will be published in collaboration with Elsevier beginning early next year. The partners say they are committed to a relationship that will allow long-term growth and security for the Society and its journals.

The ASPET-Elsevier partnership aims to expand the usage of innovative technologies leading to opportunities to increase submissions, added the publisher. ASPET staff and editors will have access to new analytical, bibliometric and plagiarism detection software tools. Authors will be able to publish free with no submission fees or page charges with an option for open access.

ASPET editors, journal boards and staff will continue to manage the journals with full editorial control. ASPET and Elsevier say they will work together to ensure a smooth transition.

“The decision to partner with Elsevier was the result of a multi-year process using expert publishing consultants that guided ASPET through a diligent analysis of how best to move ASPET’s journals forward. After years of research and discussion, it was determined that partnering with Elsevier was the best pathway forward for ensuring the continued success of ASPET journals. This partnership fully supports ASPET’s strategic focus of being the authoritative scientific resource for pharmacology,” explained ASPET President Namandjé Bumpus.

ASPET began publishing its first journal in 1908, and the Society has been committed to the success of its journals since then. The ASPET founders laid the groundwork for sharing science with the larger pharmacology community to help advance the science of drugs and therapeutics to accelerate the discovery of cures for disease.

“At a time when the publishing industry has never been more competitive and uncertain, ASPET is very excited to be partnering with an organization with the experience, expertise and capabilities that Elsevier brings to the table,” stated ASPET Executive Officer Dave Jackson.

“We at Elsevier are delighted and honored that ASPET has chosen us as their publishing partner after over a hundred years of publishing leading work in pharmacological research. Our shared commitment to high quality, rigor and research integrity will lead to a productive partnership that will continue ASPET’s great traditions,” remarked Louise Curtis, Elsevier senior vice president, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Economics.

“This partnership will help ASPET journal authors maximize their impact globally and support the editorial teams and staff at ASPET meet the challenges of a changing publishing landscape,” Curtis added.

ASPET says its move from a self-publishing model to a publisher-partnership with Elsevier will better serve its authors, reviewers and the Society as a whole. ASPET’s already existing journals will remain hybrid, as access will continue to be subscription-based with the option for authors to publish as Open Access.

“We believe this partnership has the potential to improve an already excellent author experience, provide more support and new tools to our reviewers and editors, and further expand the reach of our influential journals,” Jackson pointed out.

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