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FIPP appoints new marketing and membership services manager

FIPP has appointed Cobus Heyl to the key position of marketing and membership services manager. He will join the organisation on 6 June 2012.

Heyl (pictured) is currently sales and business development director at Audience Media, the international multi-channel content management company.

After qualifying with degrees in communications and journalism, Heyl began his career as a news journalist for the Media 24 group in South Africa in 1994. Since then, he has had a varied career in newspapers, magazines and the online world, including being a publisher in Media 24’s digital division, and general manager of MIH Internet’s subsidiary in Kenya. More recently, he has completed an MSC in ebusiness and marketing at Newcastle University Business School in the UK.

Chris Llewellyn, president and CEO, FIPP said: “FIPP is focussed on helping its members build better businesses and is currently producing more products and services for its members than ever before. The wide range of experience and knowledge of traditional, new, and social media that Cobus brings to the FIPP executive team will be invaluable.”

Heyl said: "These are challenging but exciting times for all of us in the industry. I believe FIPP has an important role to play as global partner to its members, whether through our products, events, training or networking and other opportunities we create. I look forward to be a part of it, to listen and to share in a steady flow of ideas."

About FIPP

FIPP says: “FIPP - the worldwide magazine media association - represents companies and individuals involved in the creation, publishing, or distribution of quality content, in whatever form, by whatever channel, and in the most appropriate frequency, to defined audiences of interest.

FIPP has more than 700 member companies, which include 56 national magazine associations, 504 publishing companies with international interests, and 153 suppliers to the industry and associated organisations, in 63 countries, all of whom use FIPP to find new business partners and gather information on potential markets. FIPP represents more than 6,000 member magazine titles, which include almost all of the world’s leading magazine brands.”