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Food and Travel appoints new Editor

Food and Travel magazine has appointed Alex Mead as Editor.

Taking over from Charlotte Swift, Alex Mead (pictured) joins the independent publisher from Endemol Television.

An award-winning editor, Alex has more than a decade of magazine editing experience having previously held the position of group editor at Seven Squared and senior editor at John Brown, across a number of titles

“We had an amazing number of applicants for the role of editor and chose Alex because of his of drive, enthusiasm and all round editorial ability”, said Gregor Rankin, Publisher, Food and Travel Magazine. “Whilst not perhaps an ‘insider’ choice Alex has a passion for travel and food which matches closely the core attributes of the title, and I’m sure he’ll take Food and Travel magazine on to the next level.”

Food and Travel Magazine is a firmly established and successful title within two incredibly competitive sectors and I’m really excited about the challenge of taking it forward,” said Alex. “To say it’s a dream job would be an understatement, I don’t think you can get two better subjects than food and travel.”

Alex officially joins on 11th August 2010.

About Food and Travel Magazine

Green Pea says: “Food and Travel magazine, priced £3.80, is published by Green Pea Publishing Ltd 10 times a year and is distributed in over 40 countries. It is available at all good news outlets and on subscription. Local language editions are published under license in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Turkey.”