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Future announces new bookazine strategy

Future yesterday revealed its new 2015 Bookazine strategy for its Technology portfolio.

Streamlined and re-focused, there are four clearly defined series for different user types and needs - Made Simple, Handbook, Guru Guide and Technology Tips Guide, says Future.

Each series will have a consistent design with easy-to-understand memorable branding. Each issue will come with a free digital edition available through a voucher mechanic.

Made Simple Series - Targets the entry-level users in mass consumer markets. They will have 148 pages and a friendly, humanised design that will focus on mass consumer products such as the iPhone. They will retail at £9.99.

Handbook Series - Targets the enthusiasts in mass consumer markets who want a comprehensive guide to using their new product to its absolute capacity. They will have 180 pages and will again focus on the mass consumer products such as the iPhone. They will retail at £12.99.

Guru Guide Series - Targets the advanced users in specialist markets who want to go to the next level. They will have 180 pages and an encyclopaedia-style design that will focus on topics of interest to advanced PC users, Linux enthusiasts and businesses. They will retail at £12.99.

Technology Tips Guide - Targets people of all skill levels wanting a dip-in/dip-out guide to popular software and hardware. They will have 148 pages and a brightly coloured 'desk reference' design that will focus on topics of interest to advanced PC users, Linux enthusiasts and businesses. They will retail at £9.99.

Paul Newman,Group Editor-in-Chief of Future's Technology Group, says, “These new Bookazines series offer the perfect extension to what Future’s core brands such as TechRadar, T3 and Linux Format already offer. Whether a novice or expert, there will be a series for all users in our core markets to ensure that they get the most from their tech.”

Nick Merritt, Head of Content and Marketing for Future’s technology portfolio, says, "Our brands are leaders in the world of consumer and business tech media. This new Bookazine strategy allows us to talk directly to our core markets and offer them an extension to what they already love about our titles. Consumer tech is one of the most exciting markets in the world and by offering these premium titles, we are ensuring that consumers have the chance to make the most of their latest device."