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Graham Yandell included in King’s Birthday Honours List

In the first King’s Birthday Honours List Graham Yandell has been granted an MBE in recognition of his services to the media and to the food industry.

Graham Yandell included in King’s Birthday Honours List
Graham Yandell: “I am absolutely delighted to have been recognised in the Kings Birthday Honours list this year.”

Graham Yandell, CEO of Yandell Media Group, said: “I am absolutely delighted to have been recognised in the Kings Birthday Honours list this year. Having started my media career on The Bedfordshire Times at the age of 17, almost straight from school, I know how lucky I have been to do a job that I love and I feel extremely fortunate to have worked with so many great people over the years who taught me so much.

“My time at Westminster Press and other local newspapers outside the group, and then the decision to move on to International Thomson Business Publishing, offered me fantastic experiences, training and opportunities, and I am grateful to the people who helped me so generously and who encouraged me by their example.

“Launching the Yandell Media business way back in 1986 was the main catalyst in my life, both in business and on a personal level. My family, including my late parents, my children and my wife Sharon are amazing, and the team at Yandell are consistently second to none. I have gained such great friends and colleagues over the years and to now be recognised by my country with an MBE is both thrilling and humbling. I could not have achieved so many wonderful things without the help and encouragement of all these marvellous people, and I dedicate this honour to them.”

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