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Guardian Labs and Google Pixel 2 launch branded content campaign

Guardian Labs and Google have announced the launch of The Chain - a new branded content campaign that uses Google Pixel 2 phone to explore the impact of fashion’s most forward-thinking influencers.

Guardian Labs and Google Pixel 2 launch branded content campaign

The Chain which will be a magazine and an online experience features ten of the fashion industry’s most dynamic influencers, says the Guardian, who each take it in turn to document their key creative take outs from their daily working lives and moments of influence using the Google Pixel 2.

Brit artist Lotte Anderson kicks things off by collecting and sharing her moments of creativity throughout the first 24 hour period before passing the Pixel 2 on in sequence to the next influencer - these include model and activist Adwoa Aboah, Naomi Shimada, model Kyle de Volle and and artist and model Phoebe Collings-James.

Driven by Guardian Lab’s commercial features desk, the content will explore how changing attitudes have disrupted the fashion industry. This will be discussed and presented through a range of in-depth fashion features, videos and a bespoke 36-page magazine. The Chain was developed in partnership with Essence and OMD.

Imogen Fox, Executive editor, Guardian Labs: “The Chain is a perfect example of how Guardian Labs works - with agility, insight and the world-class quality for which the Guardian is known. We’re working with Google to create a series that pulls apart the expected narrative and exposes how fashion has the power to really change not just what we wear, but how we think about the world.”

This will work in tandem with an exclusive programmatic campaign, which will deliver bespoke Guardian creative formats programmatically for the first time through a collaboration with Essence.

The programmatic partnership will use creative assets designed and built by the Guardian’s in-house production team, who will transform Google’s creative into the fabric, parallax MPU and mobile reveal native ad formats. Working closely with the Essence team, Google will then be able to exclusively buy and serve these ads programmatically across all the Guardian’s digital platforms. This will be the first time the bespoke, native ad formats have been made exclusive to one advertiser for a period of time.

Hamish Nicklin, Chief revenue officer, Guardian News & Media: “This multi-faceted partnership shows the Guardian is ahead of the pack for its programmatic, technical clout and its ability to deliver world-class content. It’s a pleasure working with Google, Essence and OMD on campaigns that will set a new bar for programmatic and branded content.”

Graham Bednash, UK Consumer Marketing Director, Google: Google Pixel 2 is all about being open and curious. This content epitomises the brand’s approach and is a fresh way of bringing it to life. We’ve loved working with the Guardian on this.”

Will Frappell, Head of Investment, EMEA at Essence: "The launch of Google Pixel 2 has driven us to develop partnerships that help create incredibly compelling and relevant content for our audience, while being respectful of the user experience. The Chain is the outcome of an innovative partnership between Google and The Guardian that we are proud to be a part of."

Marcos Angelides, Executive Director, Strategy, OMD: “By creating a variety of stories across digital and print we were able to craft an integrated campaign that reached different people in different ways. It has been a pleasure watching this idea blossom from conception to launch.”