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Haymarket Automotive joins forces with Autovia

Automotive digital publishers Haymarket Automotive and Autovia will pool first party audience data to offer greater value to advertising clients, following a new deal announced between the two companies earlier this month.

Haymarket Automotive joins forces with Autovia
Chris Daniels: “We believe that our combined data sets will provide advertisers with unrivalled access and insights into a committed in-market audience.”

Under the terms of the collaboration, the specialist automotive market publishers will combine their unique data sets to offer clients what they describe as best-in-class data-driven advertising solutions on the open web and other digitised channels.

The collaboration comes as the industry is undergoing a once-in-a-century change towards electrification, with new brands competing for market space against traditional OEMs, and customer buying habits and requirements changing each year.

“Both Autovia and Haymarket Automotive are fortunate enough to command hugely valuable audiences that drive car sales in the UK, and our first party customer data is second to none,” commented Autovia Group Advertising Director, Steve Machin. “By coming together, we are able to provide an even stronger offering for OEMs, for the first time allowing them to use the collective intelligence across our websites and audiences”.

Chris Daniels, Chief Revenue Officer of Haymarket Automotive, added: “Today’s announcement is significant for the fact it brings two traditional competitors together in order to provide a truly unique offering for advertisers in the automotive industry. We believe that our combined data sets will provide advertisers with unrivalled access and insights into a committed in-market audience.”

By offering dynamic connected media delivery against highly targeted audience signals from the publishers’ data in real-time, advertisers can precisely target active in-market buyers, say the companies.

Advertisers will be offered cross-channel opportunities utilising newly digitised platforms in new advertising formats. These will include geo-location technology delivering relevancy through digital “out of home” (DOOH), as well as connected televisions (CTV).

“Our first party publishing data is unique as it understands every users’ journey and we are able to share this insight and service with prospective advertisers,” added Daniels.

“As a result our customers can take advantage of a simple and effective way to deliver timely and relevant messaging to their target audience as they take their next steps in the car purchase journey.”

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