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Immediate Media wins Scout Association contract

Immediate Media Branded Content has won the contract to publish Scouting, the Scout Association’s bi-monthly volunteers’ magazine, in print, digital and tablet formats.

The initial three-year contract also includes the production of a 32-page Get Active! activity supplement, as well as a designated volunteers’ microsite.

Scouting is the Scout Association’s key means of communication with their volunteers and provides practical resources, information and support. The 68-page glossy magazine and accompanying activity supplement will be sent to over 100,000 Scout Association volunteers, including their latest high profile recruit, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge. 

Hilary Galloway, Head of Creative for the Scout Association, commented: “Our refreshed bi-monthly publication will be a more natural fit with the seasons and the way our movement operates. The digital versions will focus on interactive and peer-derived content and bring the Scouting adventure to life online. As the UK’s largest mixed youth organisation, we aim to ensure that our adult volunteers can access content wherever they are, allowing them to make a difference to the lives of the 420,000 young people we work with every week.”

Julie Williams, Director of Immediate Media Branded Content, said: “This is a fantastic partnership for us and demonstrates our ability to deliver outstanding creative concepts across all platforms. It’s a wonderful brand and the team can’t wait to start working with the Scout Association on their August edition of Scouting.”

The first issue of Scouting and Get Active! to be produced by Immediate Media Branded Content will be delivered to volunteers’ doorsteps on August 1 2012.