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Jeremy Paxman joins FT Weekend as contributing editor

Jeremy Paxman, the celebrated television anchor and best-selling author, is joining the Financial Times as a contributing editor.

Paxman will write regularly for FT Weekend, focusing on long-form writing, diaries and Lunch with the FT interviews.

He will make his debut this weekend in the FT Magazine with an account of the mysterious death of Lord Kitchener, the war hero and British military commander in World War I.

FT editor Lionel Barber said: “I am delighted to welcome Jeremy into the FT family. He is a wonderful writer, an acerbic interviewer, and a charming luncheon companion. He will make a great addition to the long list of distinguished FT Weekend writers.

“This year we have invested significantly in the FT’s weekend edition with a new app and design, and we see growth in both print and digital subscriptions.”

Paxman said he was flattered to be joining the FT as a contributing editor: “At last someone takes me seriously.”