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KBA (UK) joins Two Sides Campaign

Two Sides, the initiative to promote the responsible production and use of print and paper, and encourage its use as an attractive, practical and sustainable communications medium, has announced the addition of the first printing press manufacturer to its UK membership roster.

KBA (UK) Limited is the UK division of the Koenig & Bauer Group, one of the largest press manufacturers worldwide, with the broadest product range in the industry.

“Printing equipment manufacturers and printers need to support the Two Sides campaign just as much as members of the paper industry because we are all negatively affected by the decline in the use of paper as a communications medium. This decline is in part due to widespread misconceptions about print and paper and its impact on the environment. It’s important that we support Two Sides as it works to redress these misconceptions and re-educate the marketing industry and end users,” says Christian Knapp, Managing Director, KBA (UK) Limited.

Martyn Eustace (pictured), Two Sides Director, comments: “It’s great to see such a high profile company from the printing industry join the Two Sides campaign. With KBA (UK) on board we are better able to reach printers who need to let their media buying customers know, unequivocally, that using print does not damage the environment but may even be the most sustainable way to communicate. Membership of Two Sides will provide facts, resources and tools to help get this message across and so help to keep print and paper an essential part of marketeers’ media buying.”

About Two Sides

Two Sides says: “Two Sides is an initiative (created in 2008) by companies from the Graphic Communication Value Chain including forestry, pulp, paper, inks and chemicals, pre press, press, finishing, publishing and printing. Today there nearly 300 members. Our common goal is to promote the responsible production and use of print and paper, and dispel common environmental misconceptions by providing users with verifiable information on why print and paper is an attractive, practical and sustainable communications medium.”