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Launch of new retailer lobby group

Independent retailers’ calls for improvements throughout the news supply chain will be strengthened through the NFRN’s membership of new lobby group, The News Retailer Group, said Chief Executive Paul Baxter.

The NRG sees the NFRN joining forces with other key leading news industry players, including the Co-op, Asda and McColls, to press for improvements to delivery times and administrative processes as well as further pushing for action on carriage charges and illicit magazine sales, says the NFRN.

Mr Baxter said: “The NFRN already has a strong voice in the news industry and on its own has sought to address supply chain failings through individual meetings with publishers and through our highly successful news summits.

“Some progress has been made but there is still a need for further engagement and action which is why we are pleased to be a founding member of this new retail lobby group. Joining forces with key news retail colleagues, who are affected by the same news industry issues as the NFRN’s 15,000 members, will strengthen our calls for action and hopefully the ills that have beset the industry for too long will finally be addressed.”