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LEIPA introduces ‘LEIPA MAG TOP’

LEIPA has increased its portfolio offering with the launch of its brightest recycled sheet, made at its German recovered paper mill.

LEIPA introduces ‘LEIPA MAG TOP’

LEIPA MAG TOP is a new grade, boasting a brightness level of 88% for a 100% recycled paper, says LEIPA. With high–end magazines already trialling this grade on the continent, UK publishers can now also purchase LEIPA MAG TOP through LEIPA UK.

LEIPA MAG TOP will be the highest brightness grade made at LEIPA’s Schwedt Mill, the largest recovered paper Mill in Europe. With impressive environmental KPIs, says LEIPA, the Schwedt Mill only utilises 100% recycled fibre to produce all graphical paper grades. 1.5 million tonnes of wastepaper is recovered by the Schwedt Mill each year: a true circular economy solution.

Historically, says the company, recycled paper was perceived to be a grey, sticky covered sheet only suitable for a handful of print jobs where quality was deemed less important. Step forward 20 years and recycled paper no longer has this stigma attached with manufacturers like LEIPA able to produce beautiful products from waste.

You can find out more about LEIPA UK in our Publishing Services Directory.