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Magazine publishers launch mentoring scheme

Magazine publishers have launched a mentoring scheme to support and promote diversity among the industry’s workforce.

The MagNet pilot scheme is designed to provide a mechanism to connect student journalists looking to establish a career in magazine publishing with those already employed in the sector.

The project is co-ordinated by the Periodicals Training Council (PTC) and endorsed by the PPA, the trade association for magazine and business media publishers. It is supported by major magazine publishers Bauer Media and BBC Magazines.

MagNet will work with final year and postgraduate students from under-represented groups studying on PTC-accredited courses. Students that apply to take part in the scheme will be matched with volunteer mentors employed within PPA member companies. Mentors will provide support and guidance in the form of work experience and networking as well as practical guidance.

Loraine Davies, PTC director and head of PPA Training, said: “We are really pleased to be able to launch MagNet on behalf of magazine journalism students across the UK. Through the scheme we are aiming to ensure that the sector’s workforce comprises the very best available talent.”

Barry McIlheney (pictured), chief executive of the PPA, added: “This is a brilliant initiative that complements our members’ existing activities to promote diversity. It will provide inspiration and guidance for those looking to establish a career in magazine publishing.”

The pilot is scheduled to run for one year, at which point there will be an assessment of its success with the co-ordinators of the scheme and those who have taken part. Higher education institutions involved in the project include Cardiff University, City University, Goldsmiths (University of London), the University of Central Lancashire, and the University of Sheffield.

Nicholas Brett, PTC chairman and deputy MD of BBC Magazines, said: "Helping students from diverse and less privileged backgrounds to join our industry is not only the right and responsible thing do, it makes commercial sense, too - we want to extend the reach of our magazines into communities where we're not currently widely read."

About PPA

The PPA says: “The Periodical Publishers Association (PPA) protects and promotes the interests of print and online publishers of consumer and business media in the UK. The PPA has around 200 publishing companies in its membership, which collectively produce more than 2,500 consumer and business magazines and journals as well as digital media, data products and events. For more information visit”

About PTC

The PTC says: “The Periodicals Training Council (PTC) is the lead body for best practice in training and development and people management for the magazine and business media industry.”