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Matthew d’Ancona appointed Political Editor of GQ

Matthew d’Ancona has been appointed Political Editor of GQ, it was announced today by Editor Dylan Jones.

"I am thrilled that Matthew has joined GQ in this new position. He has been writing about politics for the magazine for many years now, and I am pleased to be able to formalise his relationship in this way. He is - by some distance - the finest political columnist in Westminster, and his work in GQ will perfectly complement his columns in The Guardian, the Evening Standard and the International New York Times," commented Jones.

Matthew d’Ancona added, “I am immensely proud of my association with GQ, which is a fantastic magazine for those with an interest in politics. Its readers are well-informed, and, as connoisseurs in every field of their lives, demand the best coverage of Westminster as they demand the best coverage of fashion or of travel. For a political journalist such as myself, mostly a commentator for daily newspapers, writing for GQ offers an opportunity to soar over the political village and look at the big picture, at the personalities, and at the deeper trends that are the building-blocks of political change. The quality of political interviews in the magazine - often by Alastair Campbell - is also seriously high. Let others chatter and rant about politics. At GQ, we do it with style.”

Matthew d'Ancona writes a weekly column for the Guardian and also writes for the Evening Standard. He was previously editor of the Spectator, and was the Sunday Telegraph's political columnist for 19 years. He is a visiting research fellow at Queen Mary University of London, a trustee of the Science Museum, author of several books including In It Together: The Inside Story of the Coalition, and chairman of the thinktank Bright Blue.