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New look for What Mountain Bike

Immediate Media’s off-road magazine What Mountain Bike has undergone a new redesign with increased focus on buying advice and bike and gear testing.

The new look for the magazine, on sale now, incorporates a cleaner design and clearer navigation throughout to help its readers get to the heart of what matters most to them – trusted and respected gear reviews, says Immediate Media.

According to the publishers, some of the key changes include:

• More clearly defined testing – new categories of head-to-head product testing alongside established bike tests, 10-product ‘big test’, six of the best, and triple test – allowing a greater range of product types and price ranges to be covered.

• Cleaner, clearer design backed up by superb photography.

• Consumer geared investigative features plus insight into industry developments that shape the bikes and gear our readers are in the market to buy.

• Refocusing the brand – a more modern masthead, new cover treatments, new fonts and classier page design appropriate for its consumer focused content.

• Increased investment in paper stock to add quality feel to our images and our testing.

• Greater emphasis on our Buyer’s Guide with increased pagination and number of products reviewed, including a new ‘How to Buy…’ section each month.

What Mountain Bike Editor Jon Woodhouse says: “In the 15 or so years that What Mountain Bike has been in existence the mountain bike world has changed beyond all recognition. Trail centres are everywhere, materials that were once high-tech have become commonplace and bikes are better than ever. In times when people are thinking more carefully about the way to the spend their money, WMB promises to always give the inside line and never pull our punches when it comes to telling how well kit performs. We are committed to ensuring our readers are confident in making the right buying decisions, enabling them to have more time and fun on their bikes.”

What Mountain Bike has a deep heritage in respected product testing since its launch in Spring 2000. This new look puts renewed emphasis on that tradition, say the publishers.