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NewstrAid and NFRN announce launch of The Fresh Start Assist initiative

For the past three months, NewstrAid and NFRN Assist have worked together to produce a scheme to help newsagents who are in serious financial difficulty.

In a time of severe strain in the newspaper and magazine industry, news retailers are becoming more and more vulnerable to spiralling debt and do not know where to turn, says NewstrAid. Fresh Start Assist aims to reach out to all newsagents, including shop staff and families, with much needed support.

NFRN Assist has been running for two years, offering NFRN members solutions to help them continue trading by sorting out their business finances. However, if a newsagent is facing the difficult decision of whether the time has come to cease trading, NewstrAid is able to give advice and financial support after the shop has closed and the shop owner, staff and family face the ordeal of having no income and, perhaps, nowhere to go.

NFRN’s head of operations, Margaret McCloskey, says: “NFRN Assist has specialist advisers, who can help manage cash flow, structure debts and advise on the viability of a business. Deciding whether or not to continue trading is a difficult decision and I urge retailers in trouble to contact NFRN Assist before making a final decision.”

Sinead Flood, NewstrAid’s welfare manager adds: “We are here to help anyone with a news trade connection to readjust to life after retail. If you cannot imagine what lies ahead for you and your family and are worried about not having a roof over your head, NewstrAid can give you a fresh start, with financial support state benefits advice and access to debt solutions eg IVA, DRC and bankruptcy.”

Fresh Start Assist is open to all news retailers and their employees, not just NFRN members.