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Public access to published science is under threat in the US

Eight science publishers have signed a letter to the House Appropriations subcommittee to raise the dangers of the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill’s draft language.

Public access to published science is under threat in the US
Frontiers: "A group of eight science publishers have signed a letter to the House Appropriations subcommittee to raise the dangers of the bill's draft language."

Frontiers says The US House Appropriations Committee has released its 2024 Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill. It proposes new spending of $58 billion and seeks to "rein in the Washington bureaucracy by right-sizing agencies and programs."

A group of eight science publishers have signed a letter to the House Appropriations subcommittee to raise the dangers of the bill's draft language. If enacted, it would block federally funded research from being freely available to American taxpayers without delay on publication.

Individual Americans would be prevented from seeing the full benefits of the more than $90 billion in scientific research they fund each year via taxes. Science for the few who can access it – as opposed to the many who pay for it – is inefficient as scientific or democratic governmental policy.

A copy of the letter in full can be seen here.

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